Locate home

Locate home

We first need to locate your home

Run Analysis

Run Analysis

Our algorithms and AI analyse your home.

Get Value Report

Get Value Report

You receive a free report on your home’s potential value.

Casa.ai Smart Remodeling Tool

The Power of Smart Remodeling Tools in the Hands of Homeowners

Casaai empowers homeowners to understand and elevate their home's value through smart remodeling. Our innovative technology enables users to make informed design decisions, strategically targeting renovations that maximize property value.

About Casaai

Casaai is co-founded by Monica Gonzalez, Juan Wulf, and Alejandro Lecuna, three seasoned startup veterans. Drawing on their combined expertise in real-state, home remodeling and business, our founders aim at shaping a new era of home renovation analytics.

With a world-class team of data scientists and engineers, Casaai is introducing Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to the home renovation and additions industry.

Juan Wulf

Juan Wulf

Serial entrepreneur

Real Estate Developer

Business strategy advisor

Global EMBA (NYU)

MSc.Mech. Eng. (London)

Monica Gonzalez

Monica Gonzalez


Real Estate Developer

Licensed Realtor

Architect Cum Laude

MSc. in Construction Economics & Management (UCL-London).

Alejandro Lecuna

Alejandro Lecuna

Design strategist

Startup advisor

Design Professor

MA. Berlin School of Art

School of visual Arts, NYC